Assignment #6 – Supporting Paragraph

People in power use systems of social oppression to oppress those with different identities because people in power are marginalizing people based on their race,sex,and their ethnicity and also their relationships and connections they have with other people.I think this document is about weekly payment of a full time job depending on your sex,race,and of people’s ethnicity and also men earning more money than women weekly. This document is a graph that gives data of weekly payment depending on your sex,race and your ethnicity. This document was created by the united states department of labor and was created in 2009. This information provided on the graph is a reliable source because the united states department of labor maybe witnessed the data and took note of it and also the government created it so its a primary source. A quote from this document that describes a system of oppression is how hispanics/latino male gets paid weekly $569 and a hispanic female gets paid weekly $509 Vs. how white male gets paid weekly $845 and how white females get paid weekly $669.In my opinion this quote part of the graph shows social systems of oppression because white people make hispanic/latino less important because white people think they have the power to make hispanics less important than their own race and their own ethnicity and comparing their relationships and connections depending on their race and other ethnicities.

5 thoughts on “Assignment #6 – Supporting Paragraph”

  1. Hi, my name is Ana from Mr. Muniz 1st period class. I believe that you will earn full credit for your claim sentence because you answered the focused question. Also you include the word “because” in your claim sentence. However you did a great job on explaining why you think social oppression is happening in this document and including everything else.

  2. Hi, my name is abdalmalik from Mr.Muniz 5th period class. i think you earn all the 5 credit because you answered all the questions. and you did so good at your explaining your claim. Nice work you did there keep up the good work.

  3. hi my name is jaionna im in mr muniz 5th period class and you did great you explained everything it was very clear very detailed GOOD JOB.

  4. Hi, my name is Miella and I am in Mr.Muniz 5th period class. My team is Angry Hammerheads. I saw that you were able to match your claim of Social Systems of Oppressions. I think you will earn your full credit because you explain how it is Social Systems of Oppression in this case. But you did an amazing job. Good Job!

  5. Hi my name is Reem, I am in Mr. Muniz 5th period class. My team name is Lazy Lobsters. I think that you will get full credit because you answered your claim sentence with a because and your sentences are complete. You provide evidence from the document and explained that evidence correctly. nice work!

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