Assignment #8 – SeeClickFix Reflection


  • Think about the day you reported your issue to SeeClickFix. Describe whether or not you truly believed reporting the problem to SeeClickFix was going to help get the problem fixed.  Explain your answer thoroughly.


The first thing I truly believed when I was reporting my issue to SeeClickFix is that my issue was not going to get fixed or not even seen by the City Of Oakland but it was seen by the City Of Oakland but my issue was not fixed yet and according to what the City Of Oakland commented  is that many other citizens reported the same pothole as mine.


  • Describe how you checked on whether or not the problem you reported had been fixed.  Describe how you and your classmates tracked the progress of the problems you reported.  Describe any changes that did or did not occur for your issue.


The steps I took to check whether or not my issue is being fixed is by checking my SeeClickFix account currently and going on my content and keep checking my issue.The steps the class took to check whether or not their issue was being fixed was by reporting their issue and writing their issue on a sticky note in class and made acknowledged and closed posters to move our sticky note when the issue was fixed.


  • Describe what has happened with the problem you reported as of today.  Was the problem fixed? Explain why you think it was, or why you think it was not fixed.  Conclude by explaining what you think should happen next, and why.


The problem I reported to SeeClickFix the City Of Oakland only Acknowledged my issue so it was not fixed. I think it was not fixed because there are a lot of other issues that the City Of Oakland is trying to fix at the same time and also maybe because they don’t have the same budget and that’s why maybe my issue was not fixed yet. I think that I need to send a comment and see why the City Of Oakland has not fixed my issue yet because if  many other citizens reported the same issue the city of oakland should fix the issue and not only acknowledged the issue.

Assignment #7 – SeeClickFix Predictions

  • Do you think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland to resist oppression?  Explain why, or why not.

I think SeeClickFix does help people in Oakland resist oppression because its a app on the internet and where you can report anything that’s bothering you in Oakland and if you don’t want it to show who you are SeeClickFix can hide your identity if you don’t want it to show your identity so nobody knows your information but the city of oakland can fix the issue without nobody else knowing who you are.

  • Explain the story of your picture for the SEECLICKFIX project (Describe what you took a picture of, when you took it, where you were, and how).

I took a picture of a pothole I took it April 17 on a wednesday after school how it all started is that me and allana decided to go look for a pothole so we walked after school to find the pothole we walked a total of 22 blocks trying to find the perfect image and we ended up on 55th and hilton street.

  • What did you do in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX?  Describe the steps you took.

The steps I took to report the issue to SeeClickFix is first we had to take the picture of a pothole or a illegal dumping and then send it to my email  and then we logged in to SeeClickFix account and we upload our image and then we put where the issue was so we had to use the map then we answered the questions that SeeClickFix gave us.

  • Do you predict that the City of Oakland will fix the problem you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

I predict that the city of oakland will fix my problem because they already acknowledged it and left 2 comments on it. Another reason I think they will fix the pothole on 55th and hilton street because a lot of people reported the same pothole so I think its going to get fixed faster.

Assignment #6 – Supporting Paragraph

People in power use systems of social oppression to oppress those with different identities because people in power are marginalizing people based on their race,sex,and their ethnicity and also their relationships and connections they have with other people.I think this document is about weekly payment of a full time job depending on your sex,race,and of people’s ethnicity and also men earning more money than women weekly. This document is a graph that gives data of weekly payment depending on your sex,race and your ethnicity. This document was created by the united states department of labor and was created in 2009. This information provided on the graph is a reliable source because the united states department of labor maybe witnessed the data and took note of it and also the government created it so its a primary source. A quote from this document that describes a system of oppression is how hispanics/latino male gets paid weekly $569 and a hispanic female gets paid weekly $509 Vs. how white male gets paid weekly $845 and how white females get paid weekly $669.In my opinion this quote part of the graph shows social systems of oppression because white people make hispanic/latino less important because white people think they have the power to make hispanics less important than their own race and their own ethnicity and comparing their relationships and connections depending on their race and other ethnicities.

Assignment #3 – The Identity Shadow Box

Click here to see a video


The different types of identities that our class studied in this unit is Race,Nationality,Ethnicity,Social Class,and Gender Identity.A Dominant Narrative is when people in position of privilege tell a story about people that do not have privilege.A Counter Narrative is a story or a perspective that people who are marginalized tell about themselves.Its important for me to say counter narratives about all the dominant narratives that people say about my identity because if I don’t counter all the Dominant Narratives about my identity then people in privilege would talk a lot about my identity in a bad way without me saying how my identity really is because I know my identity more than anyone does.


The pictures that I placed on the outside of my shadow box for my nationality there’s a lot of racism so I  put a hand that says “ we are all equal “ and a picture of separating people by race.Then pictures that describe my gender its a dominant narrative that states “ Girl’s can’t play football ” and my counter image is a girl playing in the leagues.I did the same thing finding a dominant narrative and a counter narrative for Ethnicity,race,and social class.One dominant narrative about my identity is people saying that “girl’s can’t play soccer” A counter narrative picture is a girl playing soccer in the leagues and that counter’s the dominant narrative.It’s important to respond to the dominant narrative about girl’s not being able to play soccer because girl’s do play soccer some girls play as same or even better than boys too sometimes like for example I play soccer so girls can play soccer if they wanted to because not because you’re a girl doesn’t mean you can’t play sports.


Four personal artifacts or pictures of my favorite mexican food, a mexican flag , a picture of my favorite kid picture and my favorite bracelet. The story behind the mexican flag is because my dad is from Mexico Durango so I decided to put the most common animals in Durango and it’s a really beautiful place to go and visit.The reason why i’m going to put pictures of my favorite sport witch is soccer because i love playing soccer its my passion.If I had to choose between every single sport i will stay with soccer I love and enjoy that sport.The personal artifacts or pictures reveal more about my identity than the dominant narratives is because the pictures you’re placing inside your box are all good things about my identity and things I know about my identity.Then Dominant narratives express the bad (negative ) things about my identity that people in more privilege than me say about my identity.


Shadow Box Quick Write


  • What do you predict will be the best part about making a shadow box about your identities?

What I predict that is going to be the best part about making a shadow box about my identities is that i’m going to learn more about myself than I already knew before I learned about my Ethnicity,Race, and Nationality.Another fun thing is that where doing a creative kind of like a art project so it’s going to be learning and having some fun at the same time.




  • What do you predict will be the most difficult part about putting together your identity shadow box?

What I predict that will be the most difficult about putting together my shadow box with my identities is that having the exact and the perfect pictures on my counter and dominant narrative side of the shadow box because you don’t know if it’s right for it to be a counter and dominant narrative about my identity so that’s kind of the difficult part because you have to really think of the meaning of the image.




  • Describe something you plan to place on the interior of your shadow box to describe your identity.  What makes that picture or artifact so special?

Something that i’m planning and that I have in mind on putting on my shadow box that represents my identity is my Ethnicity witch is mexican so I have in mind putting my favorite food  is tacos and that will represent my favorite food . This picture  has a lot of meaning because it’s one of my favorite foods so It represents me and my identity in many ways.



Assignment #2


  • What is the difference between a dominant narrative and a counter narrative?

The difference between a dominant narrative and a counter narrative is that a Dominant Narrative is when people in privilege tell a story about someone who doesn’t have privilege.A Counter Narrative is a perspective that people who are marginalized tell a story about them that is true.

  • What is an example of a Stereotype?

One example of a Stereotype is “OMG THERE’S A BEWARE OF DOG SIGN!” but then I looked and there’s a new born chiguagua.

  • What does Nationality mean?

Nationality means the country you where born in for example someone’s nationality has everything to do with where they were born.

  • What is a dominant narrative (or a stereotype) about YOUR nationality?

A Dominant Narrative about my nationality is that there’s a lot of racism in the united states of america.

  • What is a counter narrative you could make in response?

A Counter Narrative that I could make in response is that many people in the United States are not racist people are all equal in the United States where all human beings and we all have the same right to be in the United States in a fair way.



Assignment #1


  • What picture did you choose to show something that is an ASSIGNED IDENTITY?

Image result for oakland

  • What picture did you choose to show something that is a CHOSEN IDENTITY?

Image result for tacos de carne asada mexicanos

  • Explain why these two images are different from one another.

These two pictures are different from each other because chosen identity is when you choose something that you have total control off that’s why i choose tacos for my chosen identity because its my favorite mexican food.Then assigned identity is where you have something from birth and i lived in oakland since I was born so I chose a picture with oakland.